About Me: Open Ideas, Projects, Businesses, Products — It is all Open

About Me: Open Ideas, Projects, Businesses, Products — It is all Open

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Live Draft
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Sep 20, 2023
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Created time
Sep 20, 2023 04:16 PM
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Last Time Edited
Jun 22, 2024 04:39 PM
⇝ pp_flow: John at
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This cover image depicts... | The image was made by made by
John Guerra
John Guerra
using The Doodle LibrarySimple, reusable drawings.

live draft This incomplete draft of this article shared publicly, to the web.
Why? Because we think, research, draft, and edit in public. This is how we work. Plus it feels good and often necessary for better outcomes and value.


Open Ideas








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Be easy on yourself. Jobs are hard. Business is hard. Work is hard. Life is hard.

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Written by

John Guerra
John Guerra

I am a thinker, designer, developer, maker/breaker, and writer at John at Work ⚒️.



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