Web Pilots (skill, scope, title, framework, …) 👩🏻‍✈️

Web Pilots (skill, scope, title, framework, …) 👩🏻‍✈️

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Web Pilots: skill, scope, title, framework
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My exploration in defining, finding someone or team who manages an organization's website and overall web presence. Work that involves new/regular design, development, and deployment. Responsible for Experience, Useability, Accessibility, Privacy, Security, Growth.
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Publish Date
Sep 20, 2023
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Created time
Sep 6, 2023 01:41 PM
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Last Time Edited
Sep 29, 2023 07:15 PM
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John Guerra
John Guerra

Working Definition of ‘Web Pilot’

Someone or team who manages an organization's website and overall web presence. Work that involves new/regular design, development, and deployment. Responsible for Experience, Useability, Accessibility, Privacy, Security, Growth.

live draft This incomplete draft of this article shared publicly, to the web.
Why? Because we think, research, draft, and edit in public. This is how we work. Plus it feels good and often necessary for better outcomes and value.



This is a current or up and coming role, (arguably in many case, a one-person-department).
Does this role exist already, even by another name?








Facilitating the growth of the web and websites for the organization, at the very least. Implementing and driving the growth as a bonus — Ace Web Pilot





Perhaps this title is wrong. Exploring better options now.
looking to find a existing or better title for this role

Web Pilot

Ace Web Polit

Not ChatGPT WebPilot

Confusing time to use “Web Pilot”, especially for those in the forefront of tech that may use or know about Webpilot ( https://www.webpilot.ai/). Probably not going to matter, but more the reason to leave a space between Web Pilot in the my use of it.

That’s it. Thanks for reading.

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Be easy on yourself. Jobs are hard. Business is hard. Work is hard. Life is hard.

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