Notes | John at Work

Notes | John at Work

Public Notebooks 🗒️⬆️

The intention of these notes is to work through my own business/work needs and that of my clients and the organizations I work with — and the needs and wants of the constituents of people I believe I advocate for.
The intention of these notes is to work through my own business/work needs and that of my clients and the organizations I work with — and the needs and wants of the constituents of people I believe I advocate for.
○ Spaces, ◇ Sliced, □ Packets, △ Things
The four notebook types have their own purpose, breadth/depth of information, structure of content, workflows, and intended outcomes.
The four notebook types have their own purpose, breadth/depth of information, structure of content, workflows, and intended outcomes.
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If you do not have permission then that will be the case. We are working to make all of our notes public — check back.
This dropdown may not show anything. If you do not have permission then that will be the case. We are working to make all of our notes public — check back.
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Note Status 🌌 (cross-notebook)

I think, draft, prototype, and develop in public. All Ideas are Open Ideas.
👇🏽 Witness my journey, help me discover my value, and support my work 👇🏽
I think, draft, prototype, and develop in public. All Ideas are Open Ideas. 👇🏽 Witness my journey, help me discover my value, and support my work 👇🏽

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Twitter john_at_
LinkedIn john-at-work
LinkedIn john-at-work

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Revue john_at_
Medium john_at_
Medium john_at_
Substack johnat
Substack johnat

Slack johnat
🐤 DM me on Twitter for an invite.
Slack johnat 🐤 DM me on Twitter for an invite.
Discord 863381206731849739
🐤 DM me on Twitter for an invite.
Discord 863381206731849739 🐤 DM me on Twitter for an invite.

Product Hunt john_at_
Product Hunt john_at_
Instagram John_at_00001
Instagram John_at_00001

Ko-fi john_at_
Ko-fi john_at_
Gumroad johnat
Gumroad johnat

Page database | John at Work 📔 Public Notes
Page database | John at Work 📔 Public Notes
Note-takers (Authors) | John at Work 📔 Public Notes
Note-takers (Authors) | John at Work 📔 Public Notes
HERO BLOCK | John at Work 📔 Public Notes
HERO BLOCK | John at Work 📔 Public Notes
CTA BLOCK | John at Work 📔 Public Notes
CTA BLOCK | John at Work 📔 Public Notes


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